Hard-hitting signs to tackle litter and fly-tipping

Posted on: Thursday 27 June 2024

Sixty new signs are to put up in litter and fly-tipping hotspots across the borough in a bid to deter people from dropping or dumping rubbish. 

School children were asked to design the new signs, as part of a competition by Torfaen Council, Fly-tipping Action Wales and Keep Wales Tidy.  

Eighty-two children submitted entries, and this week three winning designs were chosen. 

First prize went to Rowen Masters, from Penygarn Primary School, who received a £30 book voucher for his design which encourages people to think twice before littering. 

Lola West, from George Street Primary School, came second with a hard-hitting message highlighting the economic consequences of fly-tipping. 

Seren Munday, from St. David’s RC Primary School, came third with a design that emphasises the impact of littering on animals. 

The finalists each received a medal and medal, certificate, and eco goodies. 

Oliver James, Torfaen Council’s Litter and Fly-Tipping Prevention Officer said: “We were really pleased at the number of entries we received and would like to thank schools and teachers for getting involved and for supporting the competition.  

“We hope the competition sparked a lot of good debates around the environment and why we need to look after it. 

“We would also like to thank Fly-tipping Action Wales and Keep Wales Tidy for their support and prizes.” 

Neil Harrison, Fly-tipping Action Wales Team Leader, said: “We were delighted to support this competition across Torfaen schools, and hear about all the activities the teachers ran to support the competition. 

“Well done to all the children who learnt about littering and fly-tipping and the impact it can have on our environment. And an extra well done to the very deserving winners.  

“Keep a look out for the winning signs around Torfaen when you are on your travels.” 

Kylie Hughes, Education Officer for Eco-Schools at Keep Wales Tidy, said: “It was fantastic to see so many pupils getting involved in the competition, showcasing their creativity, passion and environmental knowledge. Judging the entries was a tough task but I’d like to congratulate Rowen, Lola and Seren on their success. 

“I can’t wait to see their designs being displayed across Torfaen. I’m sure they’ll inspire everyone to do the right thing and dispose of their litter and waste responsibly.” 

Find out how the council is tackling litter and fly-tipping 

Last Modified: 27/06/2024 Back to top