Posted on: Tuesday 28 November 2023
A man from Swindon has pleaded guilty to trading in Torfaen without a street trading consent.
Officers from the Council’s Licensing Team carried out checks in April 2023, and found that Franco Carchedi of Oxford Road, Swindon, was selling ice-cream from the car park at Greenmeadow Farm, Cwmbran, without the required street trading consent.
Mr. Carchedi appeared at Cwmbran Magistrates Court on Thursday 23 November 2023, and was charged with engaging in street trading within Torfaen without being authorised to do so by way of a street trading consent.
A street trading consent is required to trade lawfully on any street which includes car parks, within Torfaen, other than areas which have been designated as prohibited streets.
Mr Carchedi pleaded guilty to the offence and was sentenced to a fine of £512, a victim surcharge of £205, and ordered to pay £200 towards the Council’s costs.
Councillor Mandy Owen, Executive Member for the Environment, said: “We want to make sure that all businesses are trading legally in Torfaen to protect our residents and consumers, as well as our legitimate traders.
“Mr. Carchedi had previously been advised by officers about the need to obtain consent to trade within the borough, but he did not comply, which is why he ended up in Court.
“Making sure that businesses have the correct permissions to trade is important to ensure a level playing field for businesses and that goods offered for sale are compliant and do not pose a risk to public health.”
Find out how to apply for street trading consent.
Anyone with information about illegal street trading, can contact Torfaen’s Licensing Team on 01633 647286 or e-mail