Posted on: Monday 6 March 2023
A officer has been employed by Torfaen Council dedicating to help tackle litter and fly-tipping in the borough.
The new officer will work closely with schools, community groups and fast-food outlets to develop projects that decrease the amount of rubbish on streets and in beauty spots.
The new post is one of a series of measures aimed at tackling the problem. Other plans include mobile cameras that will be deployed covertly at fly-tipping hot spots, a new enforcement unit, and litter free zones.
A report into the work being done as part of the council’s litter and fly-tipping strategy will be discussed by the Cleaner Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee is meeting on Thursday 9 March .To watch the meeting via webcast register your interest here
If you would like to comment on the report email by Wednesday 8 March.
Oliver James, Litter and fly-tipping prevention officer, said: “From a young age I have always been passionate about the environment. I have a Zoology degree, and have been in many previous positions linked with wildlife and the environment.
“I will do my best to improve the cleanliness of the borough through the education of younger people, and by changing people’s behaviour and attitudes towards litter and fly-tipping. I would like to help make Torfaen a clean, tidy and safe place for people to enjoy for years to come’”.
Councillor Mandy Owen, Executive Member for the Environment, said: “It is great news that we now have a dedicated officer whose main purpose, is to work with partners to develop policies and actions that prevent and remove litter and fly-tipping.
“This just goes to show how serious we are as a Council to make Torfaen a cleaner and greener place to love work and visit.
“The actions that have been take over the last two years to reduce litter and fly-tipping have been encouraging, but there’s always more to do.”
The project contributes to the council's wellbeing objectives to make Torfaen more sustainable by connecting people and communities, and to respond to the climate and nature emergencies by making improvements to the local environment. You can read more about the council's County Plan here.
To find out more about the progress of the litter and fly-tipping strategy read the report here.
If you would like to find out more about litter picking in the borough email