Work starts on new Replacement Local Development Plan

Posted on: Tuesday 1 August 2023

The process of developing a blueprint for how land will be used in the borough officially restarts today. 

The Local Development Plan sets out where new housing and employment sites can be built, as well as community areas and spaces to improve physical and mental wellbeing and local biodiversity.

Torfaen Council's current adopted plan covers 2013 to 2021. Work had begun on a Replacement Local Development Plan for 2018 to 2033, however following a series of unexpected delays, Elected Members agreed to withdraw the plan and restart the process. 

Last month, Councillors approved a new delivery agreement, which sets out the timetable for the production of the revised Torfaen Replacement LDP 2022 to 2037, as well as how and when stakeholders and communities can get involved. The previous adopted LDP will remain in place in the interim.

You can read the full delivery agreement or see a copy of the executive summary on our website.

The first stage of the plan preparation is for developers or landowners to submit sites for potential redevelopment, known as Candidate Sites.

Interested parties have until Tuesday 26th September 2023 to submit Candidate Sites. Applications must be made to the council and full guidance is available on the website. Workshops will be held for anyone who would like help and advice using the system:

* Monday 7th August 2023 - 10am

* Tuesday 22nd August 2023 - 1pm

* Thursday 7th September 2023 - 10am

To attend one of the workshops, which will be held via Microsoft Teams, please email stating which workshop you wish to attend. The meeting invite will be emailed to you prior to the event.

Public consultation on a Preferred Strategy for the draft Replacement Local Development Plan is expected to be carried out between in May and June 2024. 

Councillor Jo Gauden, Executive Member for Economy, Skills and Regeneration, said: "The RLDP is an important document that will influence and guide planning applications over the next decade. 

"Our priority is to consider how the RLDP can improve the lives of residents by reducing inequalities, such as increasing the number of affordable housing units and secure employment whilst promoting health and wellbeing. 

"The RLDP will also be critical to ensuring we can meet the objectives set out in our Climate and Nature Emergency Action Plan and be on target for Torfaen to become net carbon zero by 2050."

Last Modified: 01/08/2023 Back to top