
Browsealoud LogoListen to this website with BrowseAloud

Visitors can listen to this website with BrowseAloud, which is free to website visitors and can be easily downloaded from the BrowseAloud website.

What is BrowseAloud?

BrowseAloud makes websites accessible to those who require online reading support, which is 20% of the UK population. It works by reading web pages aloud in a human-sounding voice. The user simply hovers their mouse pointer over the text to hear it read aloud.

What does BrowseAloud look like?


BrowseAloud features and options are accessed from an easy to use, floating toolbar (see above). You can position this toolbar anywhere on your screen or hide from view, as you prefer.

What will BrowseAloud do for me?

  • Reads web pages aloud in a human-sounding voice
  • Reads secure web pages
  • Reads PDF and Word documents in their original format
  • Highlights each word as it is spoken to show you where you are on the page
  • Magnifies text to your chosen font size and font style
  • Translates word-for-word between English, French, German, Italian and Spanish
  • Looks up accurate dictionary definitions
  • Converts text to MP3
  • Masks information on the screen to help you focus on a particular area

Who does BrowseAloud help?

BrowseAloud helps any website visitor who requires online reading support. This includes those with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, mild visual impairments and those with English as a second language. 

How do I download BrowseAloud?

Download BrowseAloud from the BrowseAloud website.

If you need anymore help, contact the BrowseAloud Support Team :

Last Modified: 05/12/2018 Back to top